As a brewer using VicinityBrew, you know how important it is to have a reliable system for managing your orders and inventory. That’s where Craft Portal comes in.
Craft Portal is a powerful platform that allows you to bring your distributor orders directly into VicinityBrew, making it easy to manage your orders and keep track of your inventory. With Craft Portal, you can import your orders directly and seamlessly into VicinityBrew, allowing you to focus on brewing great beer instead of managing data.
One of the biggest advantages of using Craft Portal with any ERP is the robust reporting and export capabilities. With Craft Portal, you can easily generate reports on your orders, inventory, and sales, giving you the information you need to make informed decisions about your brewing business. And with the ability to export your data, you can easily share it with others or integrate it with other systems.
If you’re a brewer using VicinityBrew to manage your orders, Craft Portal can be a valuable tool to help streamline your workflow and grow your brewery. With its robust reporting and export capabilities, Craft Portal can help you import your orders directly and easily, giving you more time to focus on what matters most: brewing great beer.
To learn more about the benefits of the integration, book a demo.